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Free Hockey Stats is the free, easy way to manage your hockey team's statistics.

Free Hockey Stats tracks team, scoring, & goalie stats.

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Hockey Statistics Glossary:

Understand What Statistics Mean

GP  Games Played
G  Goals. You know, put the puck in the net get a hug.
A  Assists, or Helpers. Awarded when you pass to the open guy and he buries it.
P   Points. It's Goals + Assists.
PEN   Penalties. Number of times you go to the box, you know. Two minutes, by yourself, you know and you feel shame, you know.
PIM  Penalty Minutes.
PPG  Powerplay Goals.
PPA  Powerplay Assists
SHG  Short Handed Goals - awarded for scoring while you're killing a penalty.
GWG  Game Winning Goals - for clutch players only.
FOW  Face Offs Won.
FOL  Face Off Lost.
H  Hits
SOG  Shots on Goal

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